At the MILWAUKEE ELEGANCE SHOWCASE AND DINNER DANCE you can dance both solos and freestyle events.
Freestyle Levels Available:
Newcomer, Beginning Bronze, Full Bronze, Intermediate Bronze, Beginning Silver, Intermediate Silver, Full Silver, Beginning Gold, Intermediate Gold, Full Gold, and Open.
**Dancers may register in up to 3 levels.**
Solos may be a maximum of 2.5 minutes in length. Dancers can register up to 2 solos.
AM Registration (Event Entry, Lunch, Dinner and Dance, Pro Show): $125
Pro Registration (Event Entry, Lunch, Dinner and Dance, Pro Show): $75
**Professionals with 50+ Entries will be given FREE registration**
Freestyles: $25
College/Jr Freestyles: $15
Solo: $30
3 dance multi = $40
4 dance multi = $50
5 dance multi = $60
Dancers can do 1 multi per style
Spectator Daytime Only: $20
Spectator with Lunch: $35
Spectator with Dinner, Dance and Pro Show: $95
Spectator with Lunch, Dinner, Dance and Pro Show: $125
Click here to download the Registration Packet